Most businesses recognize a crisis when it's happening and many, if they're smart, have a plan in place to manage whatever misfortune befalls them. Product recalls, accidents, protests, social media snafus - the list of possible crises goes on and on. But when it comes to issues management, many organizations fail to identify potential issues and manage them properly, which can lead to situations that quickly become a crisis.
PR pros actively monitor and assess trends within a client's industry.
So, how do you identify a potential issue? According to the Institute for PR, issues management is an anticipatory, strategic management process that helps organizations detect and respond appropriately to emerging trends or changes. These trends or changes could crystallize into an issue, which could raise the attention and concern of important publics and stakeholders. In lieu of having an "issues" crystal ball, PR professionals actively monitor and assess trends and developments within their client's respective industry to evaluate if a plan of action needs to be developed.
With issues management defined, how can you tell the difference between a crisis and an issue? Tony Jacques, a well-known crisis and issues management expert and author, has identified eight key differentiators between crisis and issues management:
1. Choice
2. Certainty
3. Urgency
4. Cost
5. Continuity
6. Time
7. Impact
8. Outcome