Leveling Up: How Video Games Continue to Influence My Career

What does playing Destiny have to do with public relations, marketing, and graphic design? EVERYTHING, GUARDIAN.

By: Cris Valle

It was love at first sight (don’t tell my wife). My parents introduced me to video games at a very early age and they say the first console I ever played on was an Atari, but I have no memory of that. What I do remember, however, is playing Duck Hunt with my cousins. That silly dog laughing every time we missed—good times!

Destiny-themed socks for my Best Men.

Ever since then, my parents insisted that playing video games was bad for me. But one of my core memories is waking up on Christmas morning to find a Sega on my nightstand. My love for video games has only grown stronger over the years, and it’s safe to say that this passion has played a significant role in shaping my career.

Video games today are designed by the same kids who grew up playing them. Whether it’s the blockbuster budget of God of War, the small but addictive charm of Vampire Survivors, or the game that’s been a constant in my life for the past decade, Destiny, each of these games has influenced me in ways I never anticipated.

Signed copy of God of War. It was a wedding gift by one of our friends who is a dev at Santa Monica Studios.

So, what does playing Destiny have to do with public relations, marketing, and graphic design? EVERYTHING, GUARDIAN. There are so many things that make Destiny special, from its stunning UX/UI design to the epic marketing campaigns that build hype for each new expansion. The community updates, the sense of camaraderie within the game’s fanbase—it all goes beyond just picking up a controller. These experiences have had a lasting impact on my career, inspiring me to approach my work with the same level of creativity and dedication.

Here are a few key lessons I’ve taken from my gaming time:

  1. Prioritize User Experience: Destiny’s UX/UI design is nothing short of legendary. The seamless navigation, intuitive controls, and immersive interfaces have taught me how crucial it is to create user experiences that leave a lasting impression.
  2. Encourage Community Engagement: The Destiny community is one of the most passionate and dedicated groups out there. Being a part of this community has shown me the importance of fostering genuine connections with your audience. Shout out to my DestinyEra guys and gals, and a special memory—designing custom cards for fellow players.
  3. Build Excitement for Your Product: The anticipation for each new Destiny expansion is electric. The way that the game developers build excitement through augmented reality quests, trailers, and events is a masterclass in marketing.
  4. Communicate With Your Audience: Regular updates on the state of the game keep players informed and engaged. It’s a reminder of how transparency and consistent communication are key in maintaining trust and interest in any field.
Grimoire Cards designed for community members.

While my parents might have worried about the hours I spent in front of the TV, I can confidently say that those hours were well spent. Video games didn’t just entertain me; they shaped my career, and for that, I’m eternally grateful. Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s a fireteam waiting for me in the Tower.